Sunday 27th March
Got up at 10.00. It was raining. Phoned the café at 10.45.
They said they would ring me back if they decided to open
Got a call back at 1.30. Worked from 2.30 – 5.45.
Got home at 6.15.
Sam came round at 8.15.
Watched the Graduate & Love Story on TV
Bev phoned
I phoned ‘J’.
Martin was round her house so he took Sam home at 12.30 am.
Monday 28th March
Got up at 10.30.
Phoned café but they didn’t need me although it got very busy in the afternoon
Everybody seems to be in a narky mood. I was in an ace mood when I got up but it has worn off now.
Went into Southport with Sam.
Went to the ‘Brick & Art Centre
He = in a funny mood, he was rude and horrid to me so I walked off & came home
Me = upset
Tuesday 29th March
Got up at 12.00
Sam phoned at ½ 12.
He came round at 2 and we went into Southport.
Tried on loads of dresses all = silly
Bev phoned
‘J’ phoned
Sam came round at 7.00
Talked and played records
He left at 11.00
Wednesday 29th March
Got up at 10.00. Bev phoned at 10.30, said we were working.
Got to work at 11.30 worked til 6.00
Got £9.00 wages for Fri, Sat & Sun.
Phoned Sam at 1.00pm amd 6.30.
Went to Formby at 7.45pm
Went to the Railway then Mike’.
Sam had his hair cut there = dead nice
Got to the station at 11.00, no ¼ past 11 train
Mam in a right nark as she doesn’t believe me
Thursday 30th March
Got up at 10.30 ish
Tidied the whole of the house.
Sam round at 2.00 went shopping for food for the party ( I bet there were vol-u-vents with Chesswood creamed mushrooms, cheese & pineapples on stick & curled up sandwiches)
Everyone arrived at 8.00. About 25 came = plenty of booze.
Not a bad party
Martin = ill so ‘J’ was by herself
Brother got really drunk on his home brew (he was so ill he was sick out of his bedroom window and Sam managed to catch him by his legs before he fell out … mum was not amused! Nor was he next day when he had to get the ladders out toclean up the sick off the outside of the house hee hee )
Everyone left about 12.30 am.
Sam went home on my brothers bike hope he = ok (drunk in charge of a push bike)
Friday 31st March
Got up at 9.30 to phone café but wasn’t needed. It is a wet horrible day.
Hoovered and cleaned up after last night.
Sam phoned and he came down at about 2.45 pm. He stayed until 4.45 pm
Mums friend from when she was a kid came round. She has not seen her for 4 years.
Bev phoned
Sam came round at 7.15.
‘J’ phoned Martin was round her house so he took Sam home at 10.50 (wow an early night)
Saturday 1st April
1st Lucius 14-1
2nd Sebastian V
3rd Dunaroon
Red Rum not running cos of bruised fetlock. (Red Rum was obviously a favourite horse, Ginger McCain had his stables in Southport and I saw Red Rum a few times road walking and on the beach)
Put 20p each way on Cornish Princess 66-1
Went to town at 11.00 tried on dresses etc bought some leg warmers
Didn’t work weather = yuk
Met Sam at 7.00. Went to the Railway the Mike’s house
Sam goes on holiday tomorrow (sob) I will miss him when he is away (I bet Mum was delighted .....a week of peace!)
leg warmers and Love Story... you're taking me back somewhere I don't want to go
I remember parties like that ..... or rather........ I don't.
I was a bloody good driver when I was pissed though.
Sorry NM :-(
To cheer you up I looked a complete idiot in leg warmers what ever possessed me to think I looked cool
funny you should say that DP lots of people have commented on your driving skills 'is he pissed or what?'.. 'nah is coz he drives a volvo!!'
Did I tell you I drive a Volvo? Oh yes...... I did tell someone.
ooops got caught out ...... ok I confess....... I ....I.... I..... looked at your private mail
i loved my leg warmers, i had several pair and i still have a couple of pair that i used to wear in the 70's, one parir are a burgundy colour.
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