Saturday 19 January 2008

19th January 1979

Friday 19
College = boring as usual
Stan phoned for Sam (hey he wasn't here)

Sam came up = in a great mood I am so pleased (oh I guess he was on his way then)
Love him

It snowed= great

My brother is on his way back from Somerset (I bet not so great driving home !!)
Got a letter off Corinna (my pen pal in Germany)

It would be a brave person indeed to call me a shrinking violet.. I certainly am not these days.
This is a quiz C1975 from the Jackie magazine that asks the question (OMG it was a bugger to scan!!)
I came out as an 'F' ~a Sunflower (the first 'F' I have been pleased to get), this is pretty apt 30 odd years later I doubt it would have been the same 30 odd years earlier .......
what did you come
out as ? Results tomorrow if you choose to do the challenge!!


tNb said...

How the heck would a planet from somewhere in outer space visit my garden?

Sans #8 I am mostly D's ...

Anonymous said...

4b, 4d, 3a, 1e, 1c

what worries me most is they I didn't score any f's

what were your answers 70s? plant pie.....?

I suppose that could mean spinach pie

Daddy Papersurfer said...

There I was joining in and I got to "Do you see yourself as a career girl?" when I had to go and check on something.......

70steen said...

tNb and there was me going HUH???? I remember last night I had left 8 out but quickly added it you must have been reading it as I was posting ..... any way your version is far funnier ...... mmm mostly D's??? I will post the conclusions in a minute

70steen said...

Wow NM no 'f's??? I thik you are more coy than you make out .....

Mine were 7 'Fs', 3 E's, 2 B's & 1 A!

70steen said...

oh yes plant pie???? I went for Lotus -flower soup

70steen said...

DP - you don't need to do the quiz you just need to know what you goddesses flowers and personality are :)

I am a Sunflower of course

Daddy Papersurfer said...

Are those the seeds that get between my teeth? ....... if I had any that is.

shle3pyb4by said...

i did this also, but a bit late..
i got 3fs, 5es, 4bs, 1c...

now, im checking the answer... ;)