The good news is I found my 1980 diary, the bad news it is not complete for the whole of 1980 ... drat!!
So I will have to see how my blog progresses during the next few months .. I need to do some research into the early 80s because to be honest I can recall very little of it ... I am sure I will be reminded as I go along about things that I had completely forgotten about.
I was in the last year of college in 1980 and about to sit my A'level exams, I got my first full time job and was at a stage where I wasn't sure how I wanted my career path to go.

Got in from Hixon footy New Years do at 5.00 am
After walking and sliding all the way (oh yes & I was dressed as Charlie Chaplin)
Went over to one of Sam's neighbours for a drink
Went to bed at 6.00 am ... YAWN!!
Got up again at 12.30 feeling pretty dead
Went for a walk round Weston
Then over to Sam's neighbours again for a drink (OMG!!)
Left Sam at the station at 5.30
Got home at 7.20
I am absolutely knackered
Phoned Sam
He was off to the Woolpack
Had a bath & went to bed at 10.30
So young ....... and so knackered - those were the days!!!
[only took three minutes to load the comment panel - as you said I must learn to multi-task - if only I knitted]
I think I'm having trouble getting this comment posted now - I'll try again
I knew it!!!!!
are the joys of low connection ..... I find making a cuppa helps oh & drinking it then it will be ready to view.
yes the follies of youth ... superb!!!
Good Blog. I have a blog aroud Italian Culture. I'd like to exchange our links. If You're right, please leave a comment in the last post; I'll add you quikly after I read it.
Oh my fraccy sis... there's that blogger who thinks we all 'put out' on the first date again!
Congrats on your new decade... we're all quite eager to keep reading to see what a 70steen does in the eighties.
Happy New Year to the gal who can dress up as a man and still look fractastic!
mmmm Frac I just don't put it out on a first date lol (mm maybe that is where I am going wrong lol ... only kidding)
yes a new decade and I will flounder a whilst while I get into it
I was laughing so much when I read what you said about me dressing as a man ... & remebered the Charlie photo ... hee hee thank you but I surely look a sight xxx
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