Didn't work my back was too bad
My new boyfriend (name withheld and it was prir to Sam) came to see me at work
Babs told him I wasn't in
He came all the way to my house to see me
Must be love ha ha!
Walked to the beach with 'J'
Monday 1978
Bev's party at Tiffany's
Worked 10.00 - 5.30
It rained
Sam came to see me with Stan
Went to Bev's party
Becuse there were so many under age the bar was closed.
Home at 12.15
I was up in Scotland on business yesterday and what a beautiful day it was albeit a long one. I do love that train journey through the Lake District it is so green just now with all the rain and sunshine so very lush.

Changed trains at Carlisle and had a 20 minute wait so stepped out of the station for a stroll. Gosh it must be 5 years since I was last there

But my absolute favourite sight yesterday was this it so made me giggle!!

Obviously Jesus can't save cafe's on Carlisle's Station
Oh and before I forget it is the last Friday in the month ... Blimey it is August tomorrow!!
So I am joining in with Nurse Myra ... gosh I need to diet and that bra is heading for the bin hey ho .. it is one of my fav t-shirts though....a Kangaroo-poo ..... I have had for simply ages and it is getting washed out looking but what a great face :-)

Check out the other T~shirt babes and dudies... so far there is azahar, sledpress & renal .....oh and mudhooks & magichealinghands
ooh you remembered! thanks sweetie - great T!
I've never heard of Kangaroo-poo ...
Not sure why but Kangaroo-poo (well, of course... I dooooo!) reminded me that my friend's daughter bought her cards and note paper made from elephant poo... They also have cards made from giraffe and panda poo, as well. And, no, it doesn't smell.
A lovely T.
Mine is up as well...
I know I know, I'm late .... sheeeesh .....
I would have thought that kangaroo poo would have been a different colour ....... surely .....
New boyfriend!!!!! - come on - spill the beans ...... honestly, it's like getting blood out of a stone ....
Fun t-shirt. Mine is one that is starting to wear out too; I don't know if I can let it go.
So, are you quoting your actual diaries from the 70s? What a nifty idea.
hee hee NM I know I did it .. I have been a bit lapse for a few months ... ;-)
Az~ Kangaroo-poo is sort of surf wear stuff... not much call for it in Manchester :-)
Hi Anneke... and welcome. I wonder who decided to make paper out of poo... all quite bizarre lol [glad it doesn't whiff] :0)
DP ~ wow tis very late for you ... have you been wasting time on You Tube again tsk......
Spill what beans?? I couldn't possibly say a word *snigger*
Hi MagicHH and welcome to you too. I know fav T shirts are hard to let go of... I tend to make dusters out of them... it makes me smile when I dust when I think of good times we had together [yes I am a daft old soul]
Yep the diaries are genuine I am afraid...& thank you :-)
You are not daft. T-shirts are supposed to be kept forever, it's some kind of rule. Mine end up as gardening shirts, sleep shirts, etc.
But, umm... I won't tell Olga about those sinister plans you have for sending a fellow bra'wd to the bin. I have a feeling Olga's reaction might be a tad wired...
The new boyfriend isn't the future Mr 70's is he ..........? *drum roll*
You're keeping suspiciously quiet ...... mmmmmmmmmm
You are so nosy, DP, allow the girl a bit of mystery...
I've got a Kangaroo Poo T-shirt too, i'll photo it for the next T-shirt Friday.
Dear Frac shusssssh don't tell Olga or the Posse I have done the evil deed!!! ;-)
Thank you Diane you tell him hee hee
;-) @Diane
;-P @DP
GW fabulous I thought it was only me in the world with a Kangaroo Poo shirt... roll on the end of the month ....
Can someone point me in the direction of the landfill 70s uses? I'm going green and it'd be a sin not to give that bra a nice home.
Can I have the kanga shirt to to go with it? Totally adore the photo, considering making it a pin up in my bedroom.
JC no too late you are not having it ... I have visions of you wearing it on your ears like e psuedo fighter pilot .... please don't ask me why??
Ok ok Yes you can have my Kanga shirt as you ask so nicely lol
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