Worked 9.30 -10.30 (gosh it wasn't worth getting out of bed !)
Didn't see 'new boyfriend' today but I phoned him
Got a letter off Corrina (my German penpal)
Judy & 'J' called round.
Saturday 1979
Stayed on the beach all day
Went to Sables-d'Olonne in the evening
Had crepe and bier
Bought a ring = dead good
I was looking for a programme on BBC i player the other day and I came across my shoe with it's other one ...... they must have stolen it too ;-0
This weekend I decided to have a long weekend.
Had a lovely pottering day in the garden on Friday. It felt like ages since I had had the opportunity to do this with the torrential showers we have recently.
The bindweed had taken over the willow fencing at the end of the garden and I have always had this troublesome really spikey/ lethal brambly thing coming through from the field behind my house. For years I have cropped it back but still it persists.
With all the rain it had reched gigantic proportions and ventured to under the garden furniture and it really was huge... so I cropped it back....... only to discover after all these years it is actually a blackberry bush !!!... I have blackberries growing in my garden !! so blackberry and apple pie coming up
My tomato plants are coming on ok too..... not as big as Daddy P's toms but we are further Norff

If you want to see some lovely photos of flora and fauna take a trip over and visit GWs place... ah summer you can almost smell them ...
Oh we also went to Dunham Massey at the weekend ....

Oh and the cat had a really relaxing one too (weekend that is!)

Your cat always has a relaxing time as far as I can see .....
I think we've actually got some cherry tomatoes ready to eat. I haven't popped out this evening to check though ...... and now it's dark!!! ...... it'll soon be Winter ...... we're doomed I tell you ... doomed ....
I will have to take some photos of our tomato plants, they are in a greenhouse and have an automatic watering system so some of them are 7ft tall already!
That Dunham Massey place looks like a good place for photo-ops, and i'd love to be at Sables-d'Olonne with my camera when the Vendee Globe yacht race starts there!
Thank you for the link, it's much appreciated!
was it this time last year that we were at chester zoo with overall man?
evening DP i trust you a keeping 70's on her toes still.
Oh my first fiancé lived right on the edge of Dunham Park and we used to walk around there a lot. It's so pretty. I seem to remember a lovely pub - The Swan with Two Nicks? Necks?
Happy days...
70s and everyone.
Don't shop at that site I mentioned at
it's a scam!
Business doesn't exist!
DP ~ She is a way relaxed cat seeing as though we have a dog in the house. I think she likes it as the dog chases the neighbours cats away.
So are your toms ripened then?? Mine will be soon I see that some are blushing nicely now... winter? 'tis only Autumn and my conservatory is like a greenhouse just now... so hot and muggy ooop here
GW ~ wow 7ft... mine are about 5ft 4... as tall as me and growing. Both Dunham and sables are idyllic places ... must say that Dunham is more accessible being only 10 minutes from home.. I am thinking of joining the National Trust as there are so many places with photographic interest in very easy reach of here.
Thank you for the warning re the cheap camera site. I thought it was too good to be true. I know Burlington House. It used to be the offices of the Local Education Authority (I remember going there when I got my student grant) I am not sure but I think it has been empty in ages ... must check with my Mum ... the font of all things :-)
Hi Annie ... yes I think you are right it ... this time last year you and I walked around Chester zoo in daft 'Dora the Explorer' Hats ... it was a superb day wasn't it :-)
Keeping me on my toes?? Of course he is along with a few others he has recruited along the way lol
Diane~ Yes you are right it is the Swan with two Nicks... blimey it must be 20 years since I went there .... around Dunham is gorgeous and as I said above only 10 minutes from where I live ... bliss
[p.s. your 1st fiance?? just how many have you collected?? ;-) ]
What an interesting name for a pub, one of your ancestors wasn't a pub signwriter by any chance? *snigger*
lol GW I couldn't have misspelled it better if I'd have tried.... we have our own language oop 'ere thou nouse....
Gonna start using from today ..... nice
Blackberries.. yum! What an awesome surprise for you to find it like that.
Your tomatoes are over 5 ft? Gosh. I always buy the 'bush' variety that only grow to about 2-3 ft. and just put out tons of tomatoes... use a wire cagey cone-shaped thing for support.
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