……. now for a rummage!
What on earth are those!!!?!
Good grief!
Ah, the knitting patterns ……. now where are my matches? Damn, forgotten them!
I’ll have to come back later ……..
[This post brought to you by Daddy Papersurfer – Professional Blog Breaker – no-one is safe – tee hee]
OMG!!!! This explains alot! Or nothing. I'm not sure?! But I'm feeling very insecure at the moment....
No one is safe!!!!
I never imagined you were a rifler, DP... I feel I must dash to save the honour of 70sTeen in her absence!
Oi what are you up to to DP? get out of my drawers this instant!I have counted all those knitting patterns! how did you hack into 70sland?
Gawd I left the key under the mat.... darn it. I didn't think he would think to look there!!
Olga I feel so unsecure too .... and I am in another country...my blog is in danger.... please HELP!!
Bill he may listen to you.... :-)
Try and reason with him!!! PLEASE!
[casa mingo was faaaaab! btw]
[just trying not to leave any evidence ....... eeeek, where have my teeth gone?]
At least you're IN another country! I'd love to help, but I have NO idea where in the hell I am!!!
Pull yourself together Olga - you'll be fine ........ probably
I will get on to the blogging patrol...{got to find the number first...}
omg Olga are you still Trans Atlantic.....?? no wonder you are feeling insecure. Sorry I am unable to round up the posse to help just now. There are a few of them with me but they are just taking in the sun, sangria and snoozing.... I am sending positive thoughts ....
sylvie thanks hun.... did you see the last post and the knitting pattern ... that is so you and MrFmB
I tell you DP if you have left a mess on my blog... I swear... i'll, i'll??? (give me some time to think of something I feel so laid back I am horizontal) ..... & get those gnashers found tsk tsk
..... a brain like a rapier ...... oh well
hey daddyp I dare you to break into the gimcrack...... but be aware you may never get out again...
(what size continence pads do you want?)
Kick Ass. ta ra la la la
Hello Nursey - I did double incontinence pads - this life of crime is really scary ........
Scratchy!! - "Happy Birthday to you" - tra la ...... whoops nearly gave myself away ......
Oh dear ... so I should count myself lucky when I accidentally left myself logged in on your lappytop ...
There are things I know about you that you don't know yourself ...... unfortunately my memory isn't as good as it used to be .......
70s, you will know where he's been because I suspect there will be a slight, lingering reminder of those beans on toast he spoke of the other day.
I imagine you may find traces of buttery fingertips to alert you as to which drawers he was looking (for those papers he seems to be dropping all the time) through.
I'm beginning to think he knows where Olga is too.
Like I said, Brits are (though not you dear sis.. you are perfect) naughty!
I'm working on an alibi ....... without much success ..... hello Fraccy! [whoops, I'm not really here am I?]
OMG! what on earth are you doing here?????????
70steen, it's all in big mess now! :)
Shuuuuush - I'm hiding - tee hee
Someone should light a match.
Good Lord!!
(changing locks on all doors and piling heavy furniture behind all entry points...)
I'm having a good rummage - she's back on Sunday so I haven't got that much time ......
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