Day off school
Went to Liverpool shopping with Bev
Bought 'new boyfriend' and brothers 18th Birthday cards
Also a cream dress £6.99 from Chelsea Girl and an underskirt for £1.99
'new boyfriend' came round
Sent off for Thin Lizzie tickets
You know I don't know if I actually went to see Thin Lizzie after all in concert ?? I suspect not....
Love this track though from 1977
You will never guess who I am going to see next week live.... [Annie Mouse no clues here if you are watching or if you follow me on Facebook shuuush]... answers on a postcard or in my comments box!!
I have been neglecting my knitting obligations of late on my blog (not to mention my blog too)... blame the fact old PC died taking all my scanned patterns with him .. humpffff
How ever all is not lost ...check out this blog [found by CKX] ... what a great idea & clever knitting at it's best

image from cakeyvoice:knitting
This is Life on Mars which is mentioned in my first ever blog post
oo oo i know i know where you are going next week, tee hee
Looking into my Wizard Crystal Balls, I think you're going to see Gladys Knight. Expect to see you wearing the T-Shirt soon....
..... and looking at my balls I reckon Chas n Dave - tee hee.
[Thank you old PC for munching all those scans - I owe you BIG TIME]
I love those knitted people, they remind me of two of my patients
Annie Mouse ... shuuuushhhhhh .... maybe I should buy a T shirt (or buy you a T shirt and borrow it) and not say who I am seeing and just photograph me in the shirt ... lol
GW ~ I wish it was Gladys Knight .....
DP ~ I wish it was Chas n Dave .....
[& stop gazing at your balls please this is a family blog....]
NM ~ you have knitted people at Gimcrack ... wow :-)
Fraccy sis... I have some knitting project images that you'll think are hilarious.
and.. I think your t-shirt idea is fab!
you wouldn't think the tee shirt idea was good if you knew who it was and that she hates this person group whatever soooooo much. she will cringe. i'm still staying shhhh. what a good friend she is to me. but me thinks teen had something to do with it.
OHHHHHHHH - must be Cliff Richard and the Shadows!!!!!!
hey what do you mean you wish it was chas and dave, what i cheek.
Annie M ~ *snigger* ;-)
..... but you luuuuuuurve Cliff!!! - tee hee
i am not to sure i should trust her to come with me Daddy P as she might do something awful with a fire arm. but she is buying tea and then again all those original vinyl records i have would be worth a fortune on ebay.
Annie M ~ would I ever do anything to hurt Cliff ... gawd he is a Sir it would be like killing a swan...
& DP *blows a BIG raspberry*
Dear Frac I may still buy a T short despite what Annie M says lol ;-)
What's a T short? .... is that Norffspeak for a crop top? - tee hee
I hope he sings 'Millenium' especially for you 70's ...... [good luck Annie!]
I am not going to see Robbie????
note to self get ear plugs and dark glasses .....
oh BTW this has T-shorts, flip flops and your name !!!
Maybe he'll get rained off and you can watch tennis instead.....was it you who paid for that roof over centre court?
now then even i am not sad enough to wear a tee shirt with cliff on it.
surely the shadows have some street cred.
DP it really won't matter what he sings she will still cringe with embarrisment of being there in the first place. bless.
i should of just put the tickets on e-bay as the liverpool venue has sold out and we could of had a weekend away on cliff. i think my words could of been more carefully chosen there.
anyway 70's you are getting to spend time with your bezzy mate what more could you possibly want.
GW ~ the concert is oops Norff so it is bound to rain ...
Annie M ~ I am not sure any of them have street cred lol #
Of course it goes without saying I am looking forward to spending an evening with my bessie mate ... :-D
Thin Lizzy is classic, smooth, very memorable. So much I completely forgot to search for them on Limewire.
I'm getting tired of Emo.
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