Richard B's 16th Birthday party 7:30 = ok
Gill & Jacko battered each other
Fi argued with M
Jane went with Robbie
£80 table broken
(yep all in all a good party .. a house full of 15/16 year olds.... mmm must note 'no teen parties in this house' lol)
Sunday 25 1977
Got up at 11.00
Mum went to Rhyl to visit my Auntie
'new boyfriend' rang
So did Bev
'J' called round for 10 minutes (mmm that's a point I haven't spoken to 'J' in a while!!)
Tidied my bedroom, made dinner, did my homework
Well Teen is now well into being at college. Her least favourite subject is Textiles and she is looking to drop this after year one (they have to drop one subject and concentrate on 3 to A'level (Advanced Level).
It is hectic at home as she is now in full days ... leaving home at 8:00 and getting home at 5:00 most days ... not like school 8:30 -3:00 and a very short walk from home.... but I must admit she is buckling down and getting on with the work. The creation of a studio in the conservatory is not working too well as she still prefers to work at the dining room table ... mind you that is my fav place to work too. I think this stems back from when I was a Teen and me and my mates would sit round our dining room table drinking tea, eating toast and generally putting the world to right ... it still happens now many years on.....
Whilst I have been a bad blogger ... my cousin (CKX ) has been sending me some brilliant stuff that he knows I would love to share on my blog ...
I am so loving this concept 
This guy got 1200 kids to draw pictures with crayons ... he then sifted through them and recreated their images using 60 high school students to act them out. What a brilliant art project ... do enjoy the images
Well this last Friday in the month has snuck up on us as it is only the 25th of September ... mmmm!!
So here is my contribution to Nurse Myra's T~shirt Friday.
I bought this T~shirt last year and haven't actually worn it out of the house as yet. I love it but I think it looks a bit strange on ... particularly where the eyes are!!

The art work on the inner labels is cool too.....I do love attention to detail

I suppose that when it's cold the eyes pop out on stalks!!!! tee hee heeeee.
[That art project is brilliant - it must have taken ages]
Excellent Tee, I'm sayin nuffin about bags under the eyes......
now that's a really cool t! and we're both flaunting pink today too :-)
love the thin white duke. even when he's pink! great shirt!
DP ~ I have learned to wear padded bras over the years working with a mainly male staff cadre ... but yes his eyes could in fact be on stalks at certain times of the year lol ;-)
GW~ hee hee he does look a bit baggy in the eye region ... oh the sand of time are not kind ;-)
NM ~ Thank you and those tights of yours are to die for .. love them as does my Teen x
Daisyfae ~thank you ...I am a huge Bowie fan.. what a guy .. weird in looks but way talented with his music :-)
That's a great tee; I see what you mean about the eye placement. I used to have a black sweatshirt that had cat eyes, the pink inner ears, a nose and whiskers. The whiskers were right on my breasts and my husband used to look at me and say, "That kitty has big cheeks."
I had to suffer and did 3 'A' levels as well - tis a lot of work ..... not that I did particularly, I was more interested in ...... oh never mind ......... tee hee
College? I thought she was too young for that... isn't college when one is finished high school? How on earth is she finished high school at her age? Oh my. Fraccy sis has genious genes. DP has best stop teasing you for typos now!
The t-shirt label... lol. I'm sure anyone viewing through those eyes feels like their in the house of the gods. ;-)
Just had a peek at the art project.
Yeah... one reason I rarely wear a T with writing or images on them...
That shirt is the kind of thing that could make a person who was tripping or similar run screaming down the middle of the double-yellow.
LOL Magichealing hands... I have now lost the t~shirt since this posting ... my teen has stolen it ... it will look so much better on her and Bowies's eyes won't look so baggy :-)
DP ~ it is a lot of work ... she has spent all day today doing Textiles and Graphics work .. she still has 2 x 1000 word assignment for English and Media..... for Monday :(
Dear Frac ~ college here is between 16 and 18 years of age, High School is 11 - 16 ... so she is not a genius but a bright kid who is feeling the pressure a bit because of the amount of work she has to do.
Lol re the eyes and the House of Gods ;-)
That art project is so awesome isn't .. I would have loved to have thought about doing that... I wonder if we could adapt something like take a photo then draw it in crayon ???
Anneke.... yep I totally agree lol
SledP ~ yep another tripping T~shirt in my wardrobe (up until this weekend ... see comment above)
Ohhhhkay. Here, Kids are considered to be in 'grade' (elementary) school until the eighth grade. High School is grades 9-12 (so they go in at 13/14 and finish at 17/18) and then University/College is after that.
In some small towns, they still have schools that are for grades K-5, with grades 6-9 called 'middle school' and 10-11 called high school.... but there's not that many of those anymore.
At my kids' grade school, they also have a Preschool for kids aged 3-4. It's not mandatory, like Kindergarten, but many people here seem to believe in them and send their kids even though there's additional costs.
Interesting to see how we're all slightly different in how things work.
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